My New Gig at

My first-ever column for the horror news and reviews website was released. 

I review the film He Comes to Kill, a slasher shot on a $2,000 budget. I enjoyed its mix of horror and humor as well as the new masked killer named Stanley Elk. You can read my review HERE.

Director August Aguilar did a phenomenal job on a microbudget, and I look forward to seeing more from Strange Films Studios. With nearly 4,000 views since November, He Comes to Kill is free to watch on YouTube by clicking HERE. Keep in mind, it was made for $2,000!

I like the website because its content covers the past 50 years of horror films. The editor encourages writing longer reviews, letting you delve deeper into a film or book. My role as a contributor will be to review movies for the Indie Spotlight section and to review horror novels or anthologies for the Books section each month. 

I’ve already submitted my first book review, which is Depraved by Bryan Smith. The website editor’s favorite movie is The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), so I thought I’d start off with a book that captures the essence of that film better than any other piece of fiction I’ve read. 

Now, I have two regular gigs. I’ve been writing a column for called The Bigfoot Files for nearly four years, where I review films, fiction and documentaries about my favorite cryptid. I’ll continue doing that because Bigfoot will always be No. 1, but the horror genre is a close second.

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