The Bigfoot Files is back for Season 19 of

Season 19 of the podcast begins April 19, and that means The Bigfoot Files is back. Kicking off the new season of The Bigfoot Files is a review of the novella Bog Beast, which includes an exclusive interview with author Brian Gatto. It’s live on the site right now.

The Bigfoot Files debuted April 18, 2019, with a column titled “The Idea of Bigfoot.” Besides seeing photographs of my Bigfoot slippers and socks, the article explains what The Bigfoot Files is all about. The opening line is “I believe in Bigfoot. Or rather I believe in the idea of Bigfoot.” That means I want to believe but still haven’t reached that threshold of knowing. But Bigfoot remains a major interest in my life.

The Bigfoot Files is simply an opportunity for me to explore that interest and review cryptids in popular culture and media like movies, books, and documentaries. Five years later, the awesome hostess/publisher of, Emerian Rich, is still letting me write about the movies and books that I discover in my search for the elusive cryptid.

This season, the books I plan to feature include the aforementioned Bog Beast by Brian Gatto, Bigfoot Ridge by C.E. Osborn, Hunting Bigfoot by Eric S. Brown, Faith of Dawn by Kristin Dearborn, Devils Desk by Mark Tufo, and Genoskwa by Heath Stallcup. I reached out to all the authors, and they agreed to interviews, so I’m excited to learn more about why they write cryptid fiction and what they think about the “real” Bigfoot phenomenon.

So far, I’ve read Bog Beast and Bigfoot Ridge, which were both fun, fast-paced stories with a balanced blend of action, drama, and suspense. Hunting Bigfoot and Faith of Dawn are next on the list. I’ve also read the action-packed Devils Desk, but it has a sequel I still need to read. Genoskwa is a three-book action series set in the Catskills.

Luckily, you don’t have to wait for The Bigfoot Files to read any of these books. They’re available now. Just click on any of the book titles to check them out on Amazon and click on the authors’ names to visit their sites.

As always, thanks for reading The Bigfoot Files.

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